Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

The baby is mixed (black/white) with medium brown gingerish and pretty straight hair. She just turned 1 and you can't tell she is half african american. Is that normal?

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

My son's hair changed from black to brown to auburn to blonde and now back to dark brown..also went from thin and curly, to thick and straight and now back to curly..

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

Thats normal. And a persons hair color and texture can change at ANY point in their lives.

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

It depends on whos hair jeans she recicived, hair color can change as you get older, but texture doesn't change too much.

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

Baby's hair can change quite a bit. Their hair usually comes in thinner than it will really be, and a person's hair can change up to puberty. I was born with blonde curly hair and blue eyes, I now have dark dark brown hair that is straight and brown eyes. Everyone is different though, some babies are born one way and stay.

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

no it will not change my nephew was born with blond hair, and he is very light skinned, although nobody in my family is like that, we are tanny tone of skin color and brunnete hair, not even the father of the child, (but he did have long blonde hair when he was a little boy, so maybe it has to do with that) anyways, she cut the baby's hair off to see if it grows back maybe dark but it grew blonde again! he's only a year and 5months, i think he is going to stay the same way until he's probably 13 years of age

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

yes- hair changes every seven years- that's why people say "i had such curly hair when i was little! and now its so straight"- new hair grows every 7 years.

That is normal- we can never tell who has the more dominant traits even though science dictates what she SHOULD have doesnt mean she will- both my parents have dark brown curly hair and deep brown eyes, i have straight dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. genes are hiding in our DNA somewhere that causes these beautiful characteristics in nature. your daughter is unique and i'm sure going to be a knock out!

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

Yes, my friend has a mixed baby (black/white) and he has curly blonde hair at age 3. When he was a baby under a year, he had straight more corse dark hair. Their texture and color can change

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

yes both will have a tendacy to change my son had fine curled hair and now its thick and if it gets long enough it will just a sweat machne. my cousin had blnde hair but as he got older it turned dark brown

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

Yes, my boys are mixed black/white, my first has staright black hair, and has since birth, my second was born with soft curly hair, we cut it at about 6 months because it was only growing in the front and he had a huge fluff ball, it then layed flat for a while, now at 16 months he has my husbands hair, black, thick curly, if i dont put oil in it he has a fro. My third is only 4 months old who knows what is going to happen. Just give it time, but yes it can change and probably will....

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

I'm not positive about multi-race babies, but it's almost always the case with caucasian babies. Almost none of us have the same hair we did as we were young children. I had thin, whispy white-blond hair as a small child. It's now thicker, courser, and between a dark blonde and brown. My kids (and my niece and nephews) have all at one point seemed to be redheads, because my dad is. Now they're all blonde or brown. Hair color and texture can even change as you are an adult (naturally). After I was pregnant the first time, my straight hair turned freakish on me, going into ringlets in some places, and non-curlable in others.

Since she's part caucasian, it's possible her hair color/texture will change.

I also know of some multi-race kids who get darker in the summer, bringing out the African American appearance in them.

Also, facial features and structure are almost completely non-apparent in babies, and don't really start to show up until early childhood. The noses are all the same, for example, but change as baby fat is lost and the bones in the nose take shape. There aren't a lot of distinguishing facial features between black and white people in general, but there are a few, and it's possible she could have the facial structure of the African-American parent later in life. If that's all it is, though, it may not be enough to make it perfectly clear she's mixed, though.

Mixed babies can look all white, all black, or anywhere in between. Most that I know are among the most physically striking children I've ever seen, I think because they inherited the best of both parents.

Your baby may never look "half african american", but that doesn't change who she is. It's quite possible she won't look 100% caucasian, either, and that fact is what will show she is mixed.

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

yes its normal I have met lots of older people that did not look like they where black at all or very little

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

Yes, your hair texture and color can continue to change through out your whole life. I'm 25 and my hair is changing from straight to curly. Even eye color can still change somewhat.

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

My boy is 18 months and he's mixed (black/white) also and he's white skinned - brown eyed - with med brown hair thats straight on top and wavy curly in back. So yes I would say thats normal.

Can a baby's hair texture and hair color still change after they're 1 yr old?

yes, when i was born i had brown hair, then i turned1 and it turned red then at 18 months it was blonde until now its turning reddish brown and i've never dyed my hair

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