Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I want a 'scene/emo' hair cut and style, but my hair is very coarse and thick. Any suggest

My hair is really coarse and thick. Which is a given seeing as I'm african american. I want a scene/emo haircut [ really hate how people just lable anything thats diffrent, but, whatever. ] complete with a new dye color and such. But I'm not sure how I should go about. Any suggestions or ideas on how I should get it cut, and what color to dye? And from there, how should I treat my hair to make sure it doesn't like...die on me or anything. D: I could really use some help. Below is a pic of me. I'm the girl with gold scarf and lip piercing.


My hair is all permed in the pic D:

I want a 'scene/emo' hair cut and style, but my hair is very coarse and thick. Any suggestions?

look here for some ideas...


I want a 'scene/emo' hair cut and style, but my hair is very coarse and thick. Any suggestions?

Well, You should try some Hair De-Intesifying shampoo. And then stratin it. Then dye it black, Then go to your hairdresser with a pic or a emo haircut and they will take over from there. Or if you wantto do it your self follow the instructions till it says go to the hare dresser, So insteed of that get out a hair razor and do it to the back of your head so its about 1/2 inch long , Leave the bangs right inffront of your face and taaa daa your done

I want a 'scene/emo' hair cut and style, but my hair is very coarse and thick. Any suggestions?

i dont like emo guys, but emo chicks are pretty hot, the majority of em at least... havent met a black emo lookin chick yet.....hmmm, now i have jungle feaver

I want a 'scene/emo' hair cut and style, but my hair is very coarse and thick. Any suggestions?

Thin out your hair with shearing scissors (my mom did that to me a few yrs ago and it still hasnt fully grown back)...then get it relaxed...really intensely deep condition it frequently and try to make it as soft and silky as possible.

I want a 'scene/emo' hair cut and style, but my hair is very coarse and thick. Any suggestions?

try searching some audrey kitching pics, shes and emo/scene hairdresser and model!!!

I want a 'scene/emo' hair cut and style, but my hair is very coarse and thick. Any suggestions?

since you have coarse hair i would get your hair really texturized its a shear that is used to not make it so coarse. then i would get a CHI flat iron. its about 130 dollars i know that sounds like alot but trust me it is the best flat iron on the market. when its cut get short layers on the top so that it can stand up. just bring in a pic to a salon and they can do it for you

I want a 'scene/emo' hair cut and style, but my hair is very coarse and thick. Any suggestions?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Emo Hairstyles


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