Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

He is 6'2" white,straight red hair no dimples, hazel eyes. I am black, 5'9", african american type hair, a little passed my shoulders, no dimples and brown eyes. Also, I am have been told that even if a black and white couple have a baby, the baby could still be very dark or very light. Is that true?

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

Hi, Congratulations..very exciting..

We have friends who the wife is very fair and her husband is Phillipino so quite dark. Their first child is 3 and she is very dark like her dad They also have a little boy who is 9 months old and he is very fair like their mum.. You might just have to wait to see what precious suprise you recieve... Good luck

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

your dark eyes are dominant. Although the baby could still end up with light eyes. Also it is true that the baby could be any number of beautiful shades. That's the best part of having a baby trying to guess what they're going to get from who.

Red hair I think is ressessive too but I'm not sure.

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

That is true. I want to say that the darker traits dominate, but I'm no geneticist. I'm White and my hubby is Mexican. I'm hoping for tanned black haired babies, but I'll take what I can get.

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

i don't know, but i think mixed babies are cute! (= congratz, by the way!

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

The male, no matter what he looks like always is the most dominant. It is true that a biracial couple can have a baby that can look completely Caucasian or African American. Congrats, and no matter what I hope your child is healthy.

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

Dark eyes are dominant but there is still a chance of there being a light eyes

Red hair is recessive so there is less chance

it is true they baby could be very dark or very white

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

i learned about recessive and dominant traits. If you have a family member that has blond or red hair or blue or green eyes then you also have recessive genes like your husband. Your child will not have dimples and probably have dark hair and brown eyes. Most of the time atleast from what i've seen a black and white couple usually has a child that is rather dark.

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

yes that's true that a mixed baby could be very light or dark. my cousin has 4 mixed kids. 2boys 2 girls. 1 of each set(1 boy and 1 girl) is darker and then the other two(1 boy and girl) is more lighter than the others. also i seen as episode of Maury yesterday and a white girl had a baby with a black man and the little boy looked all the way black! like a brown skinned black person! no lie! the only way you could tell the boy was mixed is because he had the good hair that mixed kids have. but as to your case i don't know what the baby will look like. only time will tell.i know he/she will be beautiful either way. good luck.

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

I think that usually the darker trait is dominant. But, my dad has really green eyes and my mom has really dark brown eyes. I got the really green eyes and my brother got a mixture of the two, hazel. So, it's going to be a surprise!!!! Congrats!

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

Well in order to have red hair, both parents have to have it in their blood line. I have always been told that brown eyes are dominant, but I can testify that to be false in my case. Both of my girls have blue eyes ( my genes ) but their father has brown eyes. As far as skin color, there is no way to tell. Best of luck to you.

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

I wouldn't rely on that too much, My bf has brown eyes which is a dominate trait and I have blue which is recessive (spelling) and my daughter ended up having blue eyes. and red hair which in his family where we both have brown. she came out little different then expected. lol

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

Generally the male genes are dominant. But, not always. Congrats!

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

Your more dominant.

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

In heredity and genetics, the dominant traits gets inherited by the offspring.

These traits can come directly from the parent or from the family lineage.

If you can roll your tongue into a U-shape, you are dominant trait.

Other dominant traits:

If your earlobes hang free at the bottom.

When you clasp your hands together and interlock the fingers, if the left thumb is on top.

If you have dimples.

By being a male.

If your little finger bends toward your ring finger.

If your thumb is straight and does not bend backward.

If you have freckles.

If your hairline is shaped in a downward V-shape.

Check this site as wel:


My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

From what I understand skin color is determined along a continuum and not just by one gene. The color of the baby's skin will be determined by several genes where you could contribute them or not contribute them. Congratulations on your pregnancy.

My husband and I are having a baby. I am wondering who has the dominant traits?

The dark eyes and dark hair are dominant. Although your child could have any color eyes, hair or skin.

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