Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I need a relaxer!?

I have african american hair and I am doing an at home relaxer. I know of the risk but money is an issue for me. So what are some good at home relaxers?

I need a relaxer!?

cream of nature, use a kiddie perm or a "gentle perm" if its your 1st time. Let us know how it turns out! Good luck

I need a relaxer!?

i am whiote, and i use the african american brand called "fabulaxer". i get it at wal-mart.. it is usually in a pink and black box.. i love it

I need a relaxer!?

at home relaxing is risky, i would go to Sally Beautiy supply and ask the lady behind the counter. Do not skimp on price with the relaxers, usually the more expensive the better, you might want to call someone to help you so you can get it done quicker.....

I need a relaxer!?

a good one to use is cream of nature hair relaxer- it's very good there's even an herbal one to use.

I need a relaxer!?

NOOOOOOOOOO omg please no dont do an at home relaxer please no no be nappy headed lol no yes this is a risk please dont do it...well if you know wht your hair stylist use try to ge the same kind of relaxer and do that

i hope you dont harm youor hair %26lt;333

I need a relaxer!?

I have been relaxing my own hair since I was 12. Now, at 24, you can say I have had a lot of experiences ( both good and bad) with relaxers. Over the years, I have tried almost every relaxer you can think of, and they all made my hair dry brittle and DAMAGED!

I have been using Optimum for about 5 years and it works Great!!!!

Not the "boxed" kind that you buy from the drug store, but the Professional Grade, which you can find at Sally's. It is already mixed up and comes in three different varieties to fit your hair type.

This is more expensive than the boxed relaxers, but trust me, it is worth it! The shampoo and conditioner has to be purchased separately.

I do relaxers and maintenance for my 4 sisters as well as a large group of friends, so when i go to stock up, i buy the one gallon tub of relaxer which costs $20 shampoo $9 normalizer $9 and the bodyheat activated conditioner which is a maintenance conditioner $10

relaxed hair requires extra maintenance, so I reccomend that you wash your hair with the shampoo, bodyheat-activated conditioner, and for extra softening, normalizer. Do this every week and your hair will be beautiful and smooth with lots of BODY and shine.

I need a relaxer!?

Revlon Realistic

Dr. Miracles

Luster's Pink Relaxer.

I use them all and they leave your hair straight. Buy a perm brush for the applying the relaxer close to the scalp. Make sure you do the smoothing process. That will determined how straight your hair will end up.

I need a relaxer!?

optimum care

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