Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My hair is black and when I put colored dye in it it doesn't take. How can I get my color to sh

I have went to the hair dresser to get a perm n every once n awhile I would let her put a semi-permanent dye on top of my perm because it takes better. My color will never turn out 2 be the color that the dye is, but it shows kinda in the light. I'm a African-American female and I am wondering what I can do 2 get my color to show up n my hair. I kno that bleaching my hair is out of the question because I have a perm n I looked up bleaching permed hair n the websites say that u shouldn't bleach permed hair.

My hair is black and when I put colored dye in it it doesn't take. How can I get my color to show on my hair?

get a wig

My hair is black and when I put colored dye in it it doesn't take. How can I get my color to show on my hair?

you could dye parts of you hair blonde (not bleach) and then put the color over it you might have to dye it blonde more then once

My hair is black and when I put colored dye in it it doesn't take. How can I get my color to show on my hair?

You have to get it colored a few different times. Since your color is so dark, the dye won't really make a difference in the beginning, try going a lighter shade then you would and go in at least until you start to notice a change (which should be 3 or 4 dyes.)

My hair is black and when I put colored dye in it it doesn't take. How can I get my color to show on my hair?

i think thats the only way is to bleach it so that u can get the black out my boyfriend has jet black hair and like u he wanted it a different color. we tried everything finally we just had to bleach it out to get the color he wanted. but u can always try wigs or weave.

My hair is black and when I put colored dye in it it doesn't take. How can I get my color to show on my hair?

Black hair is VERY HARD to dye; I mean am Asian and my hair color is Jet Black. So to start out, dye your hair with some "brown color" like Hazel Nut Brown, Golden Brown, Chocolate Brown, ect.. Then once your hair excepting the bleachin fomuler, go all at it with Blones and Reds. It may take you a couple time of dyeing it before your color turn out the way you like.

My hair is black and when I put colored dye in it it doesn't take. How can I get my color to show on my hair?

nothings gonna come out right if you still have dye in it from before if you dyed it not too long ago (if you did). You might just have to wait awile for your hair to grow out of the perm and then get it bleached cause bleachin and permed hair don't go well as far as I've herd so don't do anything to hurt your hair I bet you have beautiful hair that just got permed so don't worry about being so quick to dye it.

My hair is black and when I put colored dye in it it doesn't take. How can I get my color to show on my hair?

If you're hair is dyed black, you won't be able to just dye it a lighter colour because the hair won't accept it. If this is the case, you need to strip the darker dye out and they dye it lighter. If it's not and your hair is naturally black, you'll just have to dye it a slighter colour again and again until you get it the colour that you're happy with. If you're in doubt, just drop into a salon and ask a hairdresser, they're the experts anyway. Good luck

My hair is black and when I put colored dye in it it doesn't take. How can I get my color to show on my hair?

my suggestion is get extensions i tried it also when my hair was jet black and nothing would stick to my hair i tried pink, blue, green, and etc.... but the only thing that actually worked was extensions

good luck finding your solution let me know what works

My hair is black and when I put colored dye in it it doesn't take. How can I get my color to show on my hair?

Black is very hard to dye. Well, If I were you I would only do maybe High Lights. Because sicne you probably have to style it all the time you will have to contantly dye it and it will do much damage.

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