Friday, November 13, 2009

Please help me save my hair?

Hi I am african american and I had my hair permed and 4 weeks after my hairstylist said it was ok to get my hair colored. Now alot of my hair is falling out. I went back to the shop and they used something called hair repair on my hair but it dosen't seem to be working. Is there anyone who knows a way for me to save my hair

Please help me save my hair?

I really dont know but two years ago my friend at school dyed her hair and then it started falling out, so she ended up basicly cutting it all off. And now finally two years later its down past her shoulders a little bit but i must say its not very pretty, and its very thin.

So good luck i hope that doesnt happen.

maybe you could try a shampoo?

Please help me save my hair?

Well, the first thing you should do is rinse your hair really well with head and shoulders to strengthen your scalp. (the hair may fall out when you shower but thats okay). The next day wash your hair with head and shoulders but also add pantene shampoo and conditioner. Keep shampooing your hair for a week until your scalp becomes tough. Then, this may sound wierd but put in raw eggs in your hair and wash it out, again to strengthen it. At this point do not use any products at all. Just wear your hair loose and don't do tight ponytals and such. I hope this helps.

Please help me save my hair?

idk if this would help but i like 2 tell ppl about this stuff......... theres this stuff called hair formula 37 u should try it it makes ur hair thicker and stronger and longer idk if it will stop ur from fallin out tho

good luck hope i helped

Please help me save my hair?

I'm sorry to hear that, I would ask around for a good stylist in your area a professional will have to get your hair back healthy. Honestly you should be safe to color your hair after 4 weeks. If you went lighter that my be the problem. Some types of hair cannot handle a relaxer and a lighter dye.

Please help me save my hair?

The standard method is "in a paper bag". It's not funny, but it's the standard method.

I keep my shed hair in plastic bags, so I don't forget I intend to do something with it, eventually.

Unlike a broken arm or a broken leg, hair isn't going to heal.

So, you paid to perm your hair, and then paid to color it, and then you paid for the stylist to *try* to repair the earlier operations . . . this looks like a win-win situation for the industry and lose-lose for the person with the hair.

Please consider trying to find a way to become content with what you're growing. That would "save" your hair.

Please help me save my hair?

You need a good protein treatment. I recommend Aphogee. It's not the best-smelling stuff in the world, but it works almost instantly. I also recomment Elasta QP Intense Conditioner.

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