Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thinking of moving to!!!?

I am a 20 year old female thinking of moving to the Tempe area in either Feb or Mar(trying to save up some money first). What are some pros and cons to living in this area?

I would like to live in an area that is very culturally diverse. Where I live now, SC, I have many friends of all races, some black, like me, some white, asian, ect. Would it be best to move to Mesa? What are some good areas for a 20 year old????

I need as much information as possible.

Are there places around this area to get my african american hair done??? Help!!!!!!!

Thinking of moving to!!!?

I think Tempe would be a very good place for you. It is a college town with a lot of people in your age group. I personally think it is one of the cities with the most to do. It is also close to scottsdale which has tons more to do. Mesa to me is more for people that are settling down. Glendale is becoming a nice place to live but I still think Tempe would suit you the best. (sorry to be stereotypical)

There's actually a place in Mesa where you can get your hair done. I used to go there with my ex all the time. it's called Nappy by Nature.. lol I love that name. I included their website for you.

Thinking of moving to!!!?

arizona has all different races everywhere and anyone can get there hairdone anywhere :D

Thinking of moving to!!!?

Dude above me is dumb...Phoenix has a very diverse population. There are plenty of African Americans on the south side of Phoenix and plenty of places to get your hair done.

Thinking of moving to!!!?

Tempe is a perfect area for you. It's College town, so you have people from all over living there. There's lots to do there and Scottsdale is right next door to. The rent might be a little higher then other areas because it's College town, but you don't have to drive far to go out. As for your African American hair, Sorry! I can't help you with that. There should be some places near by Tempe, if not, try South Phoenix.

Thinking of moving to!!!?

It is very diverse here, you will have no problem fitting in or finding friends of all different races. It doesn't really matter what part of town you live in because everything is pretty close together. Mesa and Tempe are right next to each other. My sister-in-law is African American and I know she gets her hair down somewhere in Chandler. I don't know exactly where there are places to get your hair done because I'm not African American but I'm sure you'll have no problem finding one in the area or when you get here you can ask another African American where they get theres done. This is a great place to live, I think you'll like it.

Thinking of moving to!!!?

wow, you and I are in almost the exact same situation. I'm a 20 year old guy from Tennessee. I thought about SoCal and have now decided to try tempe first...seems pretty cool to me. i'm moving there early january. No cold weather and sunshine everyday, and even though it gets hot, the humid heat in the south is way worse. so if you want ideal weather go for the move and if you dont like it, you're young and can just mosey on along to some other west coast city.

Thinking of moving to!!!?

Tempe would be the best place as others's a college town, so very diverse. Tempe is right up against the old Scottsdale area too where most of the club life is at during the weekends...Phoenix is very diverse...cost of living in the tempe area isn't expensive...

in regard to your free to email me...i can give you some places that my girls go to that they trust...

i moved to phoenix when i was 18...and i really like it...

good luck!! :)

Thinking of moving to!!!? my diverse however mostly diverse betwen white/non-hispanics and hispanics. There is an African American population however overall it is not very large. It will be different then SC....remember Phoenix is a very heavily immigrant populated city. It is a nice city non the less. The downtown could use some imrovment though. I would not suggest Mesa but go with Tempe. Also be prepared for the is getting up very early to do the stuff you need to outside, then from about 10am till 6pm you are usually inside all day cuz its 120 degrees outside.

Thinking of moving to!!!?

Well, I'm partial, but I think Tucson would be a better fit for you.

It is less expensive, a bit smaller and personal. It's a lot easier to get around also. You could start out in Tucson and drive up to the Phoenix area and "dip your toe in" to see if you like it. And yes, there are places here to do your hair. You would be welcomed with open arms! Ask your uncle, he'll say Tucson is a nice city I'm sure.

Thinking of moving to!!!?

About your haircuts, you might have trouble. There are very few blacks in the Phoenix area. Whites and hispanics make up at least 95% of the population. It is very hot here, it is now very crowded, tons and tons of people continue moving here. What makes you want to move all the way out here??? Just curious.

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