Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Relaxing hair?

I'm African American and my cousin and I are always arguing about how often you should relax your hair. She can go 2 to 3 months without a relaxer. Me on the other hand can only go 6-9 weeks. She tells me I relax my hair too much but I said it depends on the individual how much their hair grows. I've been relaxing my hair now at that interval for four years now and I have had no problems. Who's right? And should I take a break from relaxing my hair for a few months?

Relaxing hair?

I don't relax my hair, but my sisters do, and I would say it depends on the person.

My sister can take a relaxer once a month, easy. My other sister can go about 3-4 months, if not more. And when I was relaxed, I only relaxed my hair twice a year.

Relaxing hair?

normally a person hair should be retouch every five weeks on the new growth and deep conditon every two weeks.

but for the retouch if a person hair does not hardly grow then ofcourse every 5 weeks would not be for some people.

Relaxing hair?

Your cousin is right. Because of the harsh chemicals in relaxers, you should not do them too often. However, to do retouches until your next relaxer, you can try a natural relaxer. These straighten your hair out, but don't have the harsh chemicals that relaxers do, so you can wait longer to get a relaxer.

Relaxing hair?

I have clients who relax their hair every 6 to 9 weeks as well as every 4 to 6 months. It truly depends on the product you use and your hair type. Everybodies hair is different. If you aren't currently having any issues with the integrity of you hair chances are you are fine. No need to change unless you feel you need to take a break.

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