Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How do you grow your hair line back after extensions?!?

I am an african american female, and I recently had extensions sewn in. My hair grew, and is thick and healthy... IN THE BACK! But in the front my hair is sooooooo thin and short because of the tension. I am having difficulty wearing it in any styles because I barely have any hair in the front and my hairline is soooooo thin!! :-( Any suggestions on styles that I can wear while growing it back? And also, what can I do or what products can I use to grow it back... FAST!! I'm not necessarily looking for longer hair, just a thicker more manageable hairline that will finally catch up with the rest of my hair... Please help!!

How do you grow your hair line back after extensions?!?

The sites found at the links listed below should be of excellent help

to you (they even have a page where you can submit questions

and they allow you to call their 888-675-7161 number as well).

Related links that you might like as well:


How do you grow your hair line back after extensions?!?

Use the Doo Grow medicated hair vitalizer (mega Thick) anti-thinning formula. That's for thinning edges and temples. You will start to see a thicker hairline in about ten days or less.

How do you grow your hair line back after extensions?!?

I would suggest you go to a stylist who promotes hair growth. That way she can apply a new extension technique without so much tension on the hairline. Plus that part of the hair should be left out anyway, but in the meantime I think you could go for the pompadour look in the front and a long ponytail extension in the back or microbraids in the front and sew in in the back, just make sure the braids in the front arent so tight

How do you grow your hair line back after extensions?!?

How do you grow your hair line back after extensions?!?

As a stylist, I also have several tips to thicken and increase the growth of your hairline. If you follow these, your hairline should be in tip top shape fast.

Assess whether you live an unhealthy lifestyle or use traditional drugstore hair products that contain alcohol and sulfates. If you do, you can potentially be stunting your hair growth. Switch to an all-natural hair growth product like A Double Portion Super Hair Growth Shampoo and follow the tips below. You will see a difference.

Tip #1: Change your diet.

Increase your intake of proteins. Eat fish, eggs, beans, yogurt, and cheese. Drink a soy protein shake daily.

Tip # 2: Drink plenty of water

6-8 glasses is a must. 8-12 is even better.

Tip #3: Get your vitamins

Take a B Complex, Fish Oil, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.

Tip #4: Only use an all-natural hair growth or hair thickening shampoos and conditioners

There are several good natural shampoos on the market, such as Aubrey Organics and Giovanni. However, I have used A Double Portion Super Hair Growth Shampoo on my hair loss clients because it is created specifically for hair growth and I have seen substantial results in a matter of month. It is full of hair growth promoting essential oils, sage, cayenne, neem, jojoba, and aloe. For my clients that used it, their hair got thicker, longer, and softer. You can find it online at It is great shampoo just for making your hair more manageable and smooth as well.

Tip #5: Place as little heat and chemicals on your hair as possible. No hair coloring please.

Tip #6: Live a stress free life.

Tip #7: Get your blood flowing

Aerobic exercise stimulates blood circulation throughout the entire body, including the scalp. This is important for hair growth. Also, consider massaging your hairline for 5-10 minutes a day with warm olive or coconut oil. It will accentuate your hair growth as well.

To help your thinning front and sides:

Mash 1/2 cup of avocado, a tablespoon of mayo, and a tablespoon of coconut milk and olive oil together. Blend well. Let it sit on your hair for 20-30 minutes. Rinse your hair with tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and follow with an all-natural hair growth and thickening shampoo. Do this at least 2-3 times a week. Within one month, your hair should be fuller and bouncier, without having to get an expensive salon treatment.

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