Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

For me as a black lady I never understood why Asian people are always selling our hair extensions, hair products (like perm, thread %26amp; needles) and also our skin care products. I see a place called Ebony Hair Store and I walk in and I see a chinese or Japenese lady selling my hair. Or I walk in another hair place and I see a indian women selling black hair products. I mean I know these asian people have alot of businesses but can't black people sell their own hair! I don't get it, African Americans been in this country more than Asian people (they are foreigners) and we can't open up a business for ourselves like making a business for our hair or making a business called soul food instead of always eating chinese food? I seriously don't get it!

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

Because we as black people are afraid of success. We are reluntant to place our business in the black community. We don't even support our own. We would ride clear across town to the posh side to purchase stuff we could have from the black businesses that are in the community.

Also in reference to your question, why don't we have African based restaurants in our own community. Although I brought this up I don't know if I'm even ready for goat's brain or foo-foo. You can always find a Chinese Restaurant in the 'hood. And it's always a buffet available. And let's not forget the NAIL shops. Yahoo did a news article on Chinese food, but I did not read it. Something about how unhealthy it is.

Another factor they are considered a minority and get more grants to open businesses.

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

Why won't you sell it then?!

Why does it matter what race of the person is who sells the hair?!

Why does everything have to be a race issue?! fellow black people....Find something more important to be concerned about.

Also to Spring F, when she said "black hair" she meant "black people's hair" LMAO..

This was the dumbest thing I've read today seriously. It made absolutely no sense.

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

don know

sounds like a business plan to me, good luck

btw: your tone has a bit of racism in it. don put down your own race by saying stuff like this

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

Some Asians have black hair, too. Also, I think black hair is the new fashion. It really is beautiful! Maybe I'll go put some on my Avatar...

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

Ok this isnt 1960 people can sell what they want, if it bother you that much setup your own store. Does it matter who sells the products as long as people sell them. Its called competition its good for the market, it also makes the product cheaper.

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

Yeah do have a point,but really I think it is because black people don't lead we just want people to do things for us..I am not saying all black people just some of them. So asians step up and do what is best which is sell things and do nails.

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?


I haven't noticed such a thing happening among MY Asian friends. The children must do it secretly... and I don't know when their parents find the time, since they are so busy running their restaurant... but maybe that would explain the occasional "hair in the soup." Another Asian friend is a waiter, maybe he moonlights as a Hair extension salesman.

Sheesh! What's wrong with the word "SOMETIMES"???

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

they supply what we demand-more fake hair-more fake skin care

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

If you have a problem with the race of the people who are operating businesses you patronize, there are really two problems, both yours. First one is that you are a racist, because it should not matter what kind of people are operating the business as long as they are honest. I am caucasion and have no problem whatsoever going to a black-owned, or asian owned, or arabic owned business if I can trust it. I am not threatened by other people's prosperity and hard work.

Your second problem is this: Instead of opening your own business, you are whining on and on and on and on about other people's business. To be honest, considering the kind of hellhole neighborhoods I see most of these asian businesses in, if the asian PEOPLE were not operating there, there would not be any businesses in there at all. Nobody else is brave or crazy enough to risk all the armed robbery, the vandalism, the theft and other wonderful things which go on in those places. You need to find better things to expend your energy and concern on.

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

You need to get out more. People of any race participate in the commerce arena because it is a way of making money. I really don't have an issue with many hair supply stores being owned by Asian-Americans. They found a market and jumped on it. (BTW, they sell products that can be purchased by people of any race and they are not just in Black neighborhoods.)

As for African-American businesses, I don't know where you live, but there are PLENTY in my city. From car dealers to restaurants to construction businesses. My HB has his own business on the side, as do I. I can't even tell you how many of my church members own businesses. Maybe you need to travel in different circles so you can see how many African American entrepreneurs are really out here!

Oh, and it's a myth that new immigrants, specifically Asians, get loans before African Americans. The reality is that many Asian communities have set up internal lending practicies. So, when a new family comes over, they go to the local community and get start-up loans. Hmmm, sounds like a good idea to me.

I love my Black people, but I'm tired of hearing these lies. We have enough to deal with, without these types of stories that keep us feeling defeated. Like I said, look around, there are many sucessful Black people. We need to get the word out and continue to uplift from within.

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

To be a successful small business you must have business knowledge, set up money, determination and drive and excellent credit. Sorry to say more than half black people does not fit those qualifications. We can't acquire the loans and more than some are bad at business matters.

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

wow your a racist ...A lot of people Love Chinese Food I do !!

and every black person doesn't cook soul food the same way you should know that and when you grow up eating chicken tasting a certain way you expect it to taste a certain way..and most of the soul food places have horrible food i 've been to enough to know that ...and about the hair thing if you didn't know Your weave that you were the human comes from Asian women's hair because there hair grows fast and long...DUH that's why if you watch comic view ...all the black comedians are always joking about when you put a track in wrong and it start lifting you see made in and if you didn't know Taiwan is an asian country

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

black hair.. white hair..

all Made in China.

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

Go to YOU TUBE and BOBSA website. The black hair industry is worth billions of dollars and the Asian saw a opportunity in the market because they could not break the white market (because white hair companies wouldn't allow it). they went to the BIGGEST HAIR CARE CONSUMERS, black people. Instead of protecting our black hair industry, our black people open our arms to the Asians and the Asians came in and took over. Yes, it does matter who is selling our products because they do not respect us and they take the profits out of the communities that the are selling to without giving anything back. How many times do you see black hair assistants employed at these Asian hair shops? Hardly ever!! The Asians do not even give jobs to the people they sell to.

The Asians now have a monopoly on the industry by take over manufacture and distribution, therefore not allowing other non-Asian stores to compete on a equal footing. Therefore when a black store owner tries to set-up their business they are given a higher price to buy the products from the (Asian owned) distrubutor and therefore the products need to be sold at a higher price in order to make a profit. So when you, the consumer, goes into the store you find the products more expensive they do not buy the products and the black owned store has to close down because you do not buy the products from them and go to the cheaper Asian stores!

How is this monopoly right? If this industry effect the majority community in the USA and UK there would be a government intervention to stop it and to bring fairness back into the industry.

Only by us uniting can we hope to change this. If you or anyone want to help they should boycott these shops, as I do.

It is not racist to support our black owned business, Asians have been doing it for centuries!

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

ooPs! sorry, had a thought %26amp; clicked to answer "why"??;....

then I, real-o-Lized that ... "what"...I could answer ..and that would be...."

" what I COULD BE doing .....and WHEN...not WHY ? ? ?

Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?

Asian business people will sell anything that the mainstream society wants. It's all about money. When I go to the flea market, the Korean guy there sells "gang" t-shirts with calligraphy letters and rap music because of the demographics in the area. In san francisco the chinese business people will sell gay products to the gay men there. Doesn't mean they are gay.. it's just who the target audience is. It's not about what they like or what their preference is... it is whatever makes money due to the population.

Also, you should not generalize. Not all asian people are "foreigners" like you stated. I am asian and I was born here in the USA and lived here for 33 years. I even served in the Gulf War.

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