Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What do women of other races think about Black women getting relaxers?

I know there's this big dispute about whether or not black women should get relaxers or go "natural". But the only people who ever talk about this are black people. I have no real opinion about this but its become a cultural dispute and I want to know more.

What do other races of people think about African-American hair? Is hair really worth arguing about?

What do women of other races think about Black women getting relaxers?

What?...I am a white 48 year old female...never in all my life have I cared what another woman has done with her hair....or have I cared what another woman has thought about mine....I can't imagine why you would either....Your what you want with it....what makes you happy?....that's what you should do.

What do women of other races think about Black women getting relaxers?

Whatever makes you feel good....

I dont care.....freedom of choice

What do women of other races think about Black women getting relaxers?

I don't know why it's even a topic among black women, because it's been my experience no one else cares. I think black women should do as everyone else, that is whatever they want with their hair. If it's about being all natural, well they would be the only ones.

What do women of other races think about Black women getting relaxers?

I'm not black, but i've used it on my hair. I got a lot of looks when i went to buy it. I dont really care about African-American hair because it's just hair. Some women have luck with their hair like beyonce and penelope cruz no matter what type of hair they have. Although i had a friend who was black and i would always be like i'll play with you tomorrow! and she would be like i cant tomorrow i'm getting my hair done! I didnt really understand why she couldnt play the next day, so i just tought she didnt want to play with me. Later I realized she had different hair and it took time to get it done other than that i never noticed nor cared about her or anyone elses hair. This happened when i was 7 years old by the way.

What do women of other races think about Black women getting relaxers?

I don't know what a relaxer is, but I don't think hair should be a big issue. Natural sounds good to me, because "relaxing" sounds like more work than just washing and brushing hair out in the morning.

I just read your definition...I figured that's what it might mean. At any rate, it's personal preference. I'm sure either style would look fine.

What do women of other races think about Black women getting relaxers?

A lot of black women say I should straighten my hair, but then again those are the ones whose hair isn't healthy because of it. it doesn't matter.

What do women of other races think about Black women getting relaxers?

i am indian and i think any women should do as they please with their hair. black women are not the only women who perm their hair so do white girls and me i have curly hair and i perm it so i dont see the big deal in labeling black women,

What do women of other races think about Black women getting relaxers?

Interesting. "It's a crazy thing to argue about..." but you've put quite a bit of time and space into this topic.

I am au natural, returned to my roots a few years back, rockin' the locs. I've had relaxed (permed) hair, afro, braids, short cut, etc. I was always ME, Black and proud!

What do women of other races think about Black women getting relaxers?

The only race of people I know of that does not relaxer their hair are asians. My hair is just like thiers, seeing as my father is Asian. So you should do what is you.

What do women of other races think about Black women getting relaxers?

Who cares what they think? Its not their hair. And no, black women are not the only ones who wear relaxers. I had a white girlfriend who wore them in jr high and my boyfriend's mom is getting one soon. We are the biggest consumers of relaxers but we are not the only ones. Furthermore most white women I know are not natural either. Hair color and highlights are not natural. Women are women and we do what we feel is right to make ourselves feel beautiful. I relax my hair and I wear weaves. Not because I have to, because I have plenty of hair without it. But I do it because it makes my hair more manageable. I went natural about 8 years ago, no relaxers, no color, no weaves.With natural styles my hair breaks when I comb it and it doesn't have the length I like. Without weaves my hair also breaks from styling tools and products. I tried braids and cornrows and my hair also broke around the crown. So for me, relaxers keep my hair manageable, shiny, and gives me options for style. Weaves help my hair stay healthy because I don't have to put heat on it. If I could wash and shake my hair and leave the house I would. I can't, I like to look beautiful and for me looking beautiful does not include beedeebees. Its not about trying to be white because I love my Black self, Its about ME feeling comfortable when I leave the house. So until people start paying for my hair appointments every two weeks, they don't have anything to say about my hair.

What do women of other races think about Black women getting relaxers?

this is a dumb question...i dont wear relaxers i tried it before...bad experience...i just wash, blow dry, and flat iron...or just wear it out. and yeah im black sorry.

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